All facilities have some sort of outdoor plastic barricades be stored somewhere on site to be available when needed to be used to restrict access to an area or hazard. These barricade pieces are usually stored somewhere outdoors in a compound storage area on a pile or leaned up against a wall. Managing this inventory of barricade pieces can have its challenges. How many barricade pieces are available? In the winter months, where are the barricade pieces located under the snow and are, they frozen down in some ice? Blue Diamond Equipment Innovations has designed a unique storage system that allows the barricade pieces to be placed on a wall mount storage rack where they are neatly arranged and easily accessed. The storage rack shown in the picture has a capacity of 12 triangle shaped end/base pieces along with 12 individual top rail pieces. Different configurations of the storage rack can be made to match a customer’s request. Welded steel construction with a powder coat finish.
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At Blue Diamond we create innovative and safe products to make your everyday tasks easier.
Customized storage and organization is one of our key features
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